Monday, October 11, 2010

Push-up Rows

The push-up row is one of my favorite variations of the push-up.  It is a great exercise for abs and total core stabilization.  This exercise can be done with or without dumbbells, which allows for a variety of resistance depending on your fitness level or desired challenge.

The basics of the exercise

The exercise begins with the standard push-up position (what I term as the "bridge" position - The Push-up! post for more details).  Your feet placement for this exercise should be near shoulder width apart, instead of together, which will give you better balance.  If you are using dumbbells (Dbs), your hands will be gripped on the Dbs with palms facing each other, while in a push-up position.
            (1)  While in the "bridge" position, pull (row) your right hand towards your body (using your left hand to stabilize your body)
            (2)  Lower your right hand back to the floor, and then alternate sides (row your left hand towards your body)

Tips - As in all push-up exercises, keep your abs tightened and body as straight as possible.  Do not widen your feet beyond shoulder width apart, as it will take away from your strength development.  If using Dbs, do not attempt weights that you are only able to do for 1 or 2 reps. At the top of the exercise, your elbow should be in a near 90 degree angle and your hand should be almost touching your side.

Increased Difficulty - Complete reps with a single arm before switching arm.  Example, completing 8 reps in a row with the right arm before switching to complete 8 reps with the left arm.  Another way to add difficulty is to complete a basic push-up in between reps.  Example, complete a basic push-up and then complete a row with the right arm, followed by a basic push-up and then a row with the left arm.

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