Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Explosive Pushup

This variation of the pushup is great for athletes increasing their explosive upper body power.  Its also quite an effective cardio exercise as well, as each rep is completed with maximum force.  While this is probably considered more of an advanced exercise, beginners are welcomed to try, especially if its your goal to increase upper body strength.
               (1)    Begin in a basic pushup position (“bridge”)
               (2)    Lower yourself in a controlled manner to the ground
               (3)    After reaching the lowest point of the pushup, use your maximum force to push your chest as far  away from the floor as you possibly can
              (4)    Brace yourself (landing as controlled as possible on your hands)
              (5)    Once your body control is stable, you may begin the next rep

Tips – Be sure that your body is under control before performing the next rep.  Beginners don’t worry as much about how high you are able to push your hands off the ground.  Focus on the bracing and controlling your body when landing (you don’t want your face to land on the ground!).

Increased difficulty – Perform a hand clap when exploding off of the ground, before landing back on the ground.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Spider Pushup

This variation of the pushup is great for the oblique ab muscles, as well as the entire abs core.  This exercise is also helpful in keeping the ab muscles in a balanced development.  For beginners, or anyone who may not be as athletically gifted, it does take a bit of coordination to accomplish, but its definitely possible for everyone to learn.
        (1)  Begin in the basic pushup position
        (2)  Lower yourself towards the ground
        (3)  While lowering yourself, simultaneously bring your right knee towards your right elbow (your   knee should be on the outside of your body)
        (4)  As you push yourself upwards, return your right leg back to its beginning position
        (5)  Repeat steps using the left knee

Tips – Don’t worry about trying to make your knee touch your elbow, just try to get it as close as reasonably possible.  Improving hip flexibly (by stretching) can help you get a better range of motion during this exercise. 
Increased Difficulty – You can increase difficulty by completing reps on one side first before switching sides.  Example, completing 8 reps in a row with the right leg and then switching to complete 8 reps with the left leg.  You can also add a 2 second pause at the bottom of the pushup position (with knee towards elbow), before pushing yourself upwards.  Pausing stops your momentum and forces you to generate more power to continue to move yourself upwards.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Crossover Pushup

        The cross over pushup is definitely a sweat buster and is considered more of an advanced exercise, but even a beginner can get the hang of it! This exercise can be done without a prop (for beginners), but is usually done using a medicine ball, basketball, or even a small box (you can be creative if need be, just be sure the object is stable and not much higher than one foot off the ground).

I’m going to explain the exercise using a medicine ball, but for beginners find a fixed point on the ground to use in place of the medicine ball.

(1) Begin in a pushup position with your right hand on the medicine ball

(2) Perform a complete pushup with your right hand on the medicine ball

(3) Crossover the medicine ball by adding the left hand to the ball (so both hands are on it) and then place the right hand on the ground in a pushup position (leaving the left hand on the ball)

(4) Then perform a complete pushup with the left hand on the medicine ball

(5) That is one rep (completing a pushup on both sides of the medicine ball)

Tips – Because of the medicine ball you may not be able to lower yourself to the ground to the same depth as a normal pushup (without the ball). Always keep the body as straight as possible and tighten abs. 
        Increased Difficulty – To make the exercise harder, when performing the crossover you can push (explode your body upwards) to the other side of the ball. Example, when on your way upwards (when pushing up with your right hand on the ball), use explosive force so that your left hand lands on the ball and you can immediately perform a pushup on the alternate side, without a break. This is a great cardio exercise when done in this format.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Push-up Rows

The push-up row is one of my favorite variations of the push-up.  It is a great exercise for abs and total core stabilization.  This exercise can be done with or without dumbbells, which allows for a variety of resistance depending on your fitness level or desired challenge.

The basics of the exercise

The exercise begins with the standard push-up position (what I term as the "bridge" position - The Push-up! post for more details).  Your feet placement for this exercise should be near shoulder width apart, instead of together, which will give you better balance.  If you are using dumbbells (Dbs), your hands will be gripped on the Dbs with palms facing each other, while in a push-up position.
            (1)  While in the "bridge" position, pull (row) your right hand towards your body (using your left hand to stabilize your body)
            (2)  Lower your right hand back to the floor, and then alternate sides (row your left hand towards your body)

Tips - As in all push-up exercises, keep your abs tightened and body as straight as possible.  Do not widen your feet beyond shoulder width apart, as it will take away from your strength development.  If using Dbs, do not attempt weights that you are only able to do for 1 or 2 reps. At the top of the exercise, your elbow should be in a near 90 degree angle and your hand should be almost touching your side.

Increased Difficulty - Complete reps with a single arm before switching arm.  Example, completing 8 reps in a row with the right arm before switching to complete 8 reps with the left arm.  Another way to add difficulty is to complete a basic push-up in between reps.  Example, complete a basic push-up and then complete a row with the right arm, followed by a basic push-up and then a row with the left arm.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Push-up!

The push-up seems like the world's oldest known fundamental exercise.  I don't know if that's true or not, but at least in my lifetime, its definitely the oldest exercise I remember learning about.  But there may be a great reason for that!

When the push-up is done correctly, it provides an excellent workout for your upper-body (including your abs!).  While there are a ton of different variations of the push-up, we must start with the basics. 

The push-up (for those who may have missed the proper education of the exercise): first begins in what I term as the "bridge" stage, which is the hands (shoulder-width apart) and feet (together side-by-side) on the ground and chest off of the ground (reminder to keep your body straight and tighten your abs!).  Second movement is lower (in a controlled motion) your body towards the floor (using your upper-body muscles).  Third, once you've lowered your body to a point about an inch off of the ground, use your upper-body muscles to push yourself back to the starting point.

I know for those who already have much experience with exercise, that was a long explanation, but one thing I have learned from teaching and coaching...there's always one person who  doesn't know! Important tips for performing the push-up that many tend to forget when fatiguing is
(1) Keep the abs tightened throughout the entire motion
(2) Don't touch, or bounce, your chest on the ground (this takes away from your muscle development)
(3) Be sure to complete the exercise by extending your arms to the top (this allows your shoulders to fully benefit from the exercise.

I hope this was helpful to someone. I will continue to add and discuss many variations of the push-up, as well as other things in the future. As for now, try to do as many push-ups as you can a day. You don't have to do push-ups in one setting. I tend to just do push-ups during commercials on tv or when I feel like I need a break from the computer. Take care!